Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nice Looking Women

As per very insistent request, here is Nice Looking Men, minus the men! 

This is Renate Müller, the original Viktor/Viktoria (1933). In other news, it was 1933. Things were happening. Josef Goebbels went slavering after her like a dog after cheeseburgers because of her facial structure or something. Müller gave in and acted in an incredibly racist film. She then apparently suffered a breakdown and died under extremely suspicious circumstances in 1937 (several Gestapo were seen entering the hotel she was staying at shortly before her death). Things were happening.

Aghhhhh. k.d. lang, can you happen more, please? I am not a fan of the genre you sing, but damn, you and your voice are beautiful. 

Dita von Teese knows what she has. She also knows what many people would like to do to what she has, preferably on the sofa. And the table. And the stairs. And a cigarette-hazy dressing room, a heavy curtain shoved aside to reveal a recently occupied cot, too recently, and the sharp smell of

...sorry, where was I? *turns unscrupulous-movie-director-imagination off*

I don't normally put up the LOOK BOOBS pictures, but a good 40% of her career orbits around them, and they are indeed of a sufficient size to have their own gravitational field. Some of you might appreciate that.

Gladys Bentley is mildly amused at your racist homophobic bullshit. She will sing the ever living hell out of the blues and sleep with whomever she wants and presumably beat up the entire nightclub with her hat and a cocktail stirrer and you can bloody well deal with that. It's 1926. She does what she wants.

I have no idea who this is, but she rocks that suit. You go, mystery woman.

Ella Fitzgerald. What more do you want? 
What's that, you say? 
The only thing better than Ella Fitzgerald is Ella Fitzgerald and a Yiddish song? 
You just might be right, Convenient Suggestion Provider. 

1 comment:

  1. I approve of these Nice Looking Posts. I very much approve.
