Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And we're off! Someone has blundered.

Hello, world!

I'm Riet.

Since I don't have enough in-depth experience to maintain a blog about anything except the Red Army Chorus (and there's already a blog for that), and a blog about my life would just be rude, topics will be wildly different almost every day.

Here is what to expect for the next month at least:

A passing acquaintance with tropes might help. Adequate linkage will be provided.

Stylistic Comma Abuse
I'm sorry. I do this. Deal. You'll be hard pressed to find any other typos. I regularly don the red armband of Spelling and Grammar Fascism.

Extended Metaphors
This will also happen.

Doodle comics!
Drawing is fun. Kate Beaton and Hyperbole and a Half are master doodlers. Perhaps I shall also try.

Unbelievable Bitterness
It's gonna happen. 'Bitter' is the first word I come up with for those weird icebreaker games where you pick one word to describe yourself. However, this blog is NEVER going to describe personal events. The bitterness will come out through other topics, listed below in no particular order.

Social commentary
From the perspective of a female, white, asexual, socially liberal, disillusioned quasi-Catholic with odd dress habits, I shall find things to talk about. The cultural lenses listed above are hard to remove.

Squeeing (this includes Nice Looking Men)
Everyone is allowed to have certain things to fangirl over. Characters, food, literature, people, design, or music--doesn't matter. I like to squee as much as I like to rage.
I used to have an occasional Twitter burst called Nice Looking Men. These bursts consisted of exactly what it says on the tin, genius. Not necessarily sexy, usually fully clothed, aesthetically pleasing men. Women are also in the works. Silent movies, anyone?

The word 'propaganda' has a bad rap. People associate it with evil, psychological coercion and with The Man. They aren't wrong , but they should also consider the argument that propaganda is merely the advertisement of ideology.

Massive amounts of history/music/music history
Oh, you'll see. You'll see.